21 research outputs found

    Modulation Strategies for Indirect Matrix Converter: Complexity, Quality and Performance

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    In general, there are two main classifications in matrix converters. The most common known type is conventional matrix converter (CMC) or direct matrix converter (DMC). The other type is indirect matrix converter (IMC). A brief review for modulation strategies are provided in this work for modulation strategies in IMC. There are several popular modulation methods for IMC such as carrier-based modulation and space vector modulation (SVM). A sinusoidal current waveform is produced on the input and output sides to implement the modulation method. In the conclusion the modulation methods will compared based on performance, theoretical complexity, and some other parameters

    Efficient PID Controller based Hexapod Wall Following Robot

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    This paper presents a design of wall followingbehaviour for hexapod robot based on PID controller. PIDcontroller is proposed here because of its ability to controlmany cases of non-linear systems. In this case, we proposed aPID controller to improve the speed and stability of hexapodrobot movement while following the wall. In this paper, PIDcontroller is used to control the robot legs, by adjusting thevalue of swing angle during forward or backward movement tomaintain the distance between the robot and the wall. Theexperimental result was verified by implementing the proposedcontrol method into actual prototype of hexapod robot

    Efficient PID Controller based Hexapod Wall Following Robot

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    This paper presents a design of wall following behaviour for hexapod robot based on PID controller. PID controller is proposed here because of its ability to control many cases of non-linear systems. In this case, we proposed a PID controller to improve the speed and stability of hexapod robot movement while following the wall. In this paper, PID controller is used to control the robot legs, by adjusting the value of swing angle during forward or backward movement to maintain the distance between the robot and the wall. The experimental result was verified by implementing the proposed control method into actual prototype of hexapod robot

    Maximum Power Point Tracking in PV Arrays with High Gain DC-DC Boost Converter

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    Photovoltaic (PV) system is an electricalgenerator that has been widely used. Ease of implementation,supported by a large number of potentials and needs of GreenEnergy, has become a factor in the increasing number andquickly applied to PV arrays. However, PV arrays haveconstrained related to generator conversion efficiency and theamount of power produced due to inconstant irradiation andtemperature. This problem can be solved by a MaximumPower Point Tracking (MPPT) approach. This article discussesthe MPPT technique with High Gain DC-DC Boost Converterusing the Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm. The sameP&O algorithm is also tested in the conventional converter toshow performance and superiority of each converter. Theresults obtained show the advantages and disadvantages ofeach converter used in MPPT by P&O algorithm

    Otomasi dan Instrumentasi untuk Smart Farming dan Smart Glove

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    Smart farming adalah sebuah inovasi teknologi yang bergerak dibidang pertanian untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan mutu produksi pangan di Indonesia guna terwujudnya ketahanan pangan yang selalu konsisten dari masa ke masa. Sedangkan smart glove adalah prototype sarung tangan pintar yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk membantu para difabel dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Melalui Buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat yang ingin lebih dalam mengetahui tentang kemajuan teknologi berbasis internet untuk pengelolaan pertanian dan kesehatan. Poin terpenting dalam buku ini adalah pembahasan tentang memadukan antara teknologi berbasis internet yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk sarana pengelolaan pertanian dan kesehatan secara terpadu

    Internet of things-based photovoltaics parameter monitoring system using NodeMCU ESP8266

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    The use of the internet of things (IoT) in solar photovoltaic (PV) systems is a critical feature for remote monitoring, supervising, and performance evaluation. Furthermore, it improves the long-term viability, consistency, efficiency, and system maintenance of energy production. However, previous researchers' proposed PV monitoring systems are relatively complex and expensive. Furthermore, the existing systems do not have any backup data, which means that the acquired data could be lost if the network connection fails. This paper presents a simple and low-cost IoT-based PV parameter monitoring system, with additional backup data stored on a microSD card. A NodeMCU ESP8266 development board is chosen as the main controller because it is a system-on-chip (SOC) microcontroller with integrated Wi-Fi and low-power support, all in one chip to reduce the cost of the proposed system. The solar irradiance, ambient temperature, PV output voltage and PV output current, are measured with photo-diodes, DHT22, impedance dividers and ACS712. While, the PV output power is a product of the PV voltage and PV current. ThingSpeak, an open-source software, is used as a cloud database and data monitoring tool in the form of interactive graphics. The results showed that the system was designed to be highly accurate, reliable, simple to use, and low-cost

    A review on non-isolated low-power DC-DC converter topologies with high output gain for solar photovoltaic system applications

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    The major challenges of the high-gain DC–DC boost converters are high-voltage stress on the switch, extreme duty ratio operation, diode reverse-recovery and converter efficiency problems. There are many topologies of high-gain converters that have been widely developed to overcome those problems, especially for solar photovoltaic (PV) power-system applications. In this paper, 20 high-gain and low-power DC–DC converter topologies are selected from many topologies of available literature. Then, seven prospective topologies with conversion ratios of >15 are thoroughly reviewed and compared. The selected topologies are: (i) voltage-multiplier cell, (ii) voltage doubler, (iii) coupled inductor, (iv) converter with a coupled inductor and switch capacitor, (v) converter with a switched inductor and switched capacitor, (vi) cascading techniques and (vii) voltage-lift techniques. Each topology has its advantages and disadvantages. A comparison of the seven topologies is provided in terms of the number of components, hardware complexity, maximum converter efficiency and voltage stress on the switch. These are presented in detail. So, in the future, it will be easier for researchers and policymakers to choose the right converter topologies and build them into solar PV systems based on their needs

    Proyek Instrumentasi Medis Berbasis Internet of Things

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    Buku ini disusun sebagai bahan ajar untuk mahasiswa strata 1 maupun diploma untuk jurusan teknik elektro, teknik informatika, teknik biomedis, dll. di sisi lain buku ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai referensi untuk para praktisi yang berkerja di bidang yang berkaitan dengan instrumentasi medis, perancangan aplikasi dan internet of things. buku ini disusun menjadi 9 bab, yang mana bab 1 terdiri dari pendahuluan yang menjelasakan latar belakang penulisan buku, kemudian bab 2-5 menyajikan dasar-dasar yang memberikan pengetahuan secara singkat tentang software dan hardware yang dibutuhkan untuk perancangan proyek insturmentasi medis, bab 6-9 menyajikan uraian tentang beberapa proyek instrumentasi medis yang telah dikerjakan oleh penulis